Monday, November 29, 2010

Gunther Kress and Theo Leeuwen

The grammar of images

Gunther KRESS and Theo VAN LEEUWEN,
Visual messages can be described in terms of their Representational function,
that is what they show, the content we see when we view them.
A selective outline of the major meaningful choices made in each of these overarching,
metafunctional categories follows, highlighting the aspects most significant
for the current discussion. It should perhaps be noted at the very outset,
though, that this approach does not take a deterministic view of visual
communication and is not intended either to rule out variation in individual
viewers' interpretations of an image or to provide an exhaustive description of all
that might be said. In the same way as linguistic analysis can provide an objective
description of the textual features that provide the meaning potential from
which a reader/hearer derives actual meaning, so visual semiotic analysis can provide
an interpretive framework, which each viewer will flesh out with their own specific meanings,
incorporating connotations, experience, world view etc.

Point of view involves the vertical and horizontal angles from which the image
is depicted and the symbolic meanings of power and involvement that may thus be created.
In terms of options along the horizontal plane, a frontal angle—full face view—construes
positive involvement between viewer and image, while an oblique angle—a view in profile
—suggests greater detachment, up to the extreme degree represented in this image
by the back view of the migrant. In the vertical plane, the image may be "seen"
from a high vantage point, depicting the viewer as being in a position of power,
looking down on the participants, while a low vantage point conversely depicts those
in the image as having power over the viewer, seeming in the extreme case to loom over us.
The mid-range option of eye-level symbolises a relationship of equality between viewer
and participants in the image.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Symbolism

Infinity : The horizontal

I choose this photo to be the Infinity symbolic because
the sea and sky horizontal is never ending..

Absolute : Yin Yang

I use Yin-Yang sign but delete the spot inside
to make it looks clear, it's absolutely absolute each part
there are no noise, nothing else, just the black and the white separately..

Blind : Nothing with Noise

I use the black colour to sign the Blind
I think about blind people, they don't see anything
but they still hear the noise of the world.


Symbolism originated in France, and was part of a 19th-century movement in which art became infused with mysticism. French Symbolism was both a continuation of the Romantic tradition and a reaction to the realistic approach of impressionism. It served as a catalyst in the outgrowth of the darker sides of Romanticism and toward abstraction.

Symbolism can use not for an art, it can use in many context as a number, poem, lyrics
, labeling,
music , film, etc.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Vivid Sydney

Vivid Sydney is the world's spotlight shines that happens around May- June every year.
For 2011, they are happening around CBD on 27 May - 13 June.

but it's not in the period we study then... FORGET IT!! T^T

The White Rabbit : Review

"The White Rabbit" is one of the world’s largest Chinese
contemporary art Collection.
Founded by Kerr and Judith Neilson, it focuses on works produced after 2000.
Located at 30 Balfour Street, Chippendale NSW 2008, Australia
Open : Thursday – Sunday : 10am – 6pm

After I went there with my class last Friday, we saw many kind many style
of contemporary arts from Chinese artists.

The one that I really dislike is the art from...
Chen Fei

And what I really like is Thrown to the Wind from Wang Zhiyuan
which is an 11-metre-high tornado of plastic inspired
by the artist’s dismay at the avalanches of rubbish that deface his home city
and the countryside around it.

The reason that I like it because this is one of reusing rubbish
That helps global warming and the landfill problem.
It's really creative way to support reusing and recycling plan :)

Monday, November 15, 2010


Direct Gaze is the way to attract viewer eyes
by looking directly at the viewer.
It is more attractive than faces with inderect gaze.

Direct Gaze

Indirect Gaze

This is the photo that makes people feels uncomfortable!!
Although this is not direct gaze photo but his eyes point to
what activity people does in the toilet
so it makes people feels really uncomfortable!!

This massage photo shows what relax and comfortable is.
they don't need to show whole activity they do
but viewer knows well that this is massage!!
They communicate by express emotion with their smile
and use soft and brighten color,
with a little bit blur effect to make viewer feel more soft.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Intimate distance

Personal distance

Social distance

Public distance


Proxemics is a distance between people interactions.

* Intimate distance for embracing, touching or whispering
- Close phase – less than 6 inches (15 cm)
- Far phase – 6 to 18 inches (15 to 46 cm)

* Personal distance for interactions among good friends or family members
- Close phase – 1.5 to 2.5 feet (46 to 76 cm)
- Far phase – 2.5 to 4 feet (76 to 120 cm)

* Social distance for interactions among acquaintances
- Close phase – 4 to 7 feet (1.2 to 2.1 m)
- Far phase – 7 to 12 feet (2.1 to 3.7 m)

* Public distance used for public speaking
- Close phase – 12 to 25 feet (3.7 to 7.6 m)
- Far phase – 25 feet (7.6 m) or more

Task 1 : Week 2 (My Camera)

This is what I carry anywhere I go, My sweet Camera :)

Even in Bed ^^

It makes me have fun with shooting photo because its result is really cool.

Monday, November 8, 2010

My spring

Spring is the period between winter and summer
which everything will rebirth again from the end of winter

I adjust the photo to be more contrast because I want to show
how fresh of the spring with green colour.

Impressionism (week2)

Impressionism (1867-1886)

Frequently termed "California impressionism" these paintings cannot be pinned to one particular style or movement. Instead they are for the most part a joyous hybrid of French and.American Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Fauvism, and early modernist styles.
The reason that why i like this picture because it had activity inside. It showed what was happening at that moment.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

White Rabbit

"The White Rabbit" is one of the world’s largest Chinese
contemporary art Collection.
Founded by Kerr and Judith Neilson, it focuses on works produced after 2000.
Located at 30 Balfour Street, Chippendale NSW 2008, Australia
Open : Thursday – Sunday : 10am – 6pm

There’s a brilliant, engaging mix of hypervivid,
technically stunning, audacious and elegant works.

There are so many kinds of arts to check out,
such as Pop Art, Photography, Teahouse etc.

I really don't have any more things to explain,
just............"WE MUST GO"!! :)

Monday, November 1, 2010


Street Art Uncut
Producer :
Matthew Lunn
Represented :

The artistic parade presented in Street Art Uncut explores all genres of the trade including throwups, stencils, murals, stickers and many more. The author's knowledge of the artists themselves help understand the street art of Melbourne.